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    Children Care and Holiday Activities

    From the requests from our community member to be involve in other activities and the positive idea of some members who experienced stress and finding difficulties leaving kids and young people with no activities during a school holiday. The majority of our community memberships are facing the same problem due to financial hardship parent cannot afford taking children away during the holiday time and also working parent during the school holiday find it difficult to leave children alone with no activities. West African Development (WAD)organize a special holiday activities program and provide children and youth with activities like: Arts and Craft, Hair weaving, Drumming and Dancing, Sport and Football and Trips.

    The paper craft and Arts activity running by a professional tutor plus volunteers. This activity is a very effective development tool for children. When done with friends in a group, they can become a great way to socialize while still giving kids some privacy. They are also great sources of personal satisfaction, as kids will feel proud of themselves when they are able to finish a project. The most obvious benefit of doing paper crafts is that the activity foments creativity. This is a useful skill in life, no matter what career kids will end up pursuing. Because kids are inherently curious, paper crafts provide a way to create something unique out of raw materials and are a positive, constructive way for them to express their thoughts. A paper crafts also help kids learn how to make choices, as they will have to decide along the way what tools to use, how to decorate their crafts and how to use them once finished. Kids can learn to express their emotions and appreciate the importance of following their creative instinct. A single piece of craft usually takes several hours (and sometimes several days) to complete. If the craft is complex, children will need to follow a series of steps, which requires them to memorize the process and concentrate on following it through. Some crafts require delicate work and may need more than one try before kids get it right. This is a good way for kids to learn patience and to understand that sometimes it takes work to achieve a positive final result.

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