Since 2005 when West African Development (WAD) was founded in Tameside (charity No 1132899) with objective to provide support and positive integration for the African and BME communities, CVAT ex T3SC and Voluntary Centre as always be there for WAD in term of project development and funding support. Those supports are significant to the improvement and progress of our services in Tameside. For example, WAD recent annual return is £24.000 compare to £ 3.500 for preview year. We are so pride of our fellows CVAT staff and Tameside leaders in particular people like Cllr Margaret Sidebottom, Cllr Leigh Drennan, Cllr Joyce Bowerman and Cllr Lynn Travis doing them best to support no just WAD but BME communities as well.
Parts of our Achievements
From WAD services we continue bringing African and BME people In Tameside together to have a voice and positive Action. In 2012/13, we managed to assist over 300 families in relation to housing, benefit, Education, Health, Immigration, Training and Jobs issues. For cultural exchange and diversity, WAD as deliver African Drumming and dancing for more than 30 Schools in Tameside and Manchester and over 3000 people as participated to our showcased. WAD will also continue providing to the youth with sport activities like football in Tameside and Hyde Sunday League, swimming for children in which helping to keep our people fit and healthy and also to influence the said:
Over half of black and minority ethnic (BME) communities do no sport or physical activity. Fewer than 1 in 5 members of some BME communities are participating in physical activities as infrequently as once a month. (Information from Sporting Equals
Difficulty and Need
Since we have begun in 2005, our openness and accessibility has meant our beneficiaries have expanded from not just individuals from West Africa but now include people from other parts of Africa, E.U and England. Our services are open to everyone. Anyone who needs support or help can come to us, regardless of race, religion or background. From feedback from members, they have told are nervous and wary of entering into mainstream office buildings to access support, fear of unknown, embarrassment, confusion and possible recrimination. By working with agencies and providing a welcoming accessible building where members feel comfortable in entering will help break down these barriers.
WAD is now seeking for a PLACE where to Locate our Community in Tameside and if anyone have available place or room suitable for office use and willing to help should not hesitated to contact WAD on :
Tel: 07754715849 or
If you want to know more about WAD please visit
Register Charity 1132899